Thursday, January 31, 2013

Alabama Psycho Snatches Kid

I guess the title Alabama Psycho is a little redundant. Anyway, according to CNN some lunatic kidnapped a kid from a school bus and drug him to an underground bunker so they could spend a couple of days playing Twister or something. (Look, you don't know what's going on down there any more than I do so my theory is just as valid.)

It's a pretty cutesy article.  Here's a sample:
"A kindergartner, snatched from the safety of his school bus by a gunman and stashed in an underground bunker"
The safety of a school bus?  Apparently this person has no idea what goes on in a shool bus.  And how safe is anything that allows an armed lunatic to just walk aboard? A jacked up world, indeed.


  1. "...the prescription medicine the little boy desperately needs for Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."

    So this experience will be a helpful learning tool when he pulls it later in life.

  2. This guy is a real tough guy, beating dogs with a lead pipe and kidnapping 6 year olds. Good job fella.

    I wish he would have tried to kidnap me, I'm about his age. I'm more of a game over type guy. Either him or me. All in.

    The only thing that gets me down are those dang falling bolders in mine shafts.

    Jimmy Lee Dykes is no One Eyed Willie.
