Thursday, February 28, 2013

Parachuting Mice

U.S. military to air drop toxic mice on snakes in Guam

 The U.S. military plans to air drop tens of thousands of dead mice laced with acetaminophen (Tylenol) onto foliage surrounding Andersen Air Force Base, in order to control the population of the brown tree snake. Acetaminophen is harmless to humans but toxic to the brown tree snake.

 The snakes are natives of Australia, and came to Guam on board military boats after WW II. The native bird population is defenseless against the snake and has wiped out almost all of Guam's native birds, making most of the species extinct.

 The dead mice will be fitted with tiny parachutes, so they'll catch on trees to make them more attractive to the snakes. The fear is that a similar infestation of brown tree snakes to Hawaii would cause over $2 billion in damage per year.

 The new mouse drop follows a pilot experiment in 2010 that worked well. However, activists from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) are expressing outrage that snakes will suffer, though hopefully the snakes at least won't get headaches. AP and CNN (9/2010) and Russia Today

Evidence of Bigfoot found! Seriously. For real.

If this doesn’t convince you, nothing will. David Arceneaux apparently saw two bigfoot-like creatures in Port Neches, Texas. Considering there is no physical evidence that bigfoot exists, descriptions of the creature vary wildly, and pictures are usually fuzzy and out-of-focus, I find it odd for something to be described as “bigfoot-like”. When there is some sort of unknown entity, shouldn’t the “like” part be attributed to something fathomable that others can relate to? It should be a reference point for the rest of us to know what the person is describing. For example, if I were to attempt to explain the Weekly World News Bat Boy story, I would likely start with the description of him as a batlike child because we all know what a bat looks like. And, in fact,’s definition of "batlike" uses its own likeness example in the definition (batliken.  any placental mammal of the order Chiroptera , being a nocturnal mouselike animal flying with a pair of membranous wings).

Fortunately, we don’t have to depend solely on such hazy descriptions. Arceneaux was able to snap a photo (providing arrows and all) to silence any skeptics.

That photo, along with a detailed report of his encounter, should put any doubt of bigfoot’s existence to rest. This evidence is irrefutable. Not only does it prove what he saw, it gives the rest of us a distinct image of what to be on the lookout for. I have personally found this story to be a revelation and now that I have a vivid likeness of bigfoot to reference, I have discovered that bigfoot does indeed exist and I have proof of my own to share.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Horses vs. Cows, PART 2!!!

Consider the proverbial can of worms open!
The age old debate of horse vs. cow.  I really didn’t think MoleBoy had it in him to start this war, but let it begin. 
In all actuality his point is very valid.  Little does he know that he makes my case that I have impressed upon the modern world for the past several decades.  A horse is a stupid meaningless animal and it being a part of a routine diet would actually make its specie more utilitarian in everyway.  My age old philosophy is that a horse is less intelligent and less vital to humans than cows; and overall horses are generally useless piece of the world.  As useless as a never discovered butterfly that becomes extinct before it is ever discovered (maybe because it is very timid and has little butterfly heart attacks and blows away in a puff of little butterfly ash anytime a human is in proximity).
Let me begin with the argument of intelligence.  At first glance a horse may seem overly superior to a cow because of their trainability and their trickery.  Everyone has seen the gimmicky trick-horse at your local rodeo, carnival or travelling circus; it is very entertaining and impressive.  And no one has ever seen a trick cow, that is just crazy talk.  But that is exactly what they are a side show, mere cheap entertainment for the weak minded.  A cow could master countless tricks and could possibly even be taught to speak, but they are much more astute and reassured in their importance.  They are not susceptible to menial mind games of humans, if fact they actually smarter than most humans.  If you doubt this say something to a cow and see just how much it could care less.  Cows are bored to tears by our idiot demeanor.  The horse on the other hand is like Charlie Brown kicking the football, falling for every stupid little gimmick we come up with. 
Take riding it, for crying out loud.  A horse can fairly simply be broken to be ridden.  This is not an option for cows.  That is why bull riding is a sport.  Get on a cow/bull and it will do everything in its power to get you off.  Even a dog knows getting ridden is not a positive option.
And now that we are talking about riding a horse, let’s get to the horses vitality to humans.  Typically a horse is considered an entertainment animal.  Little girls don’t ask for baby calves for Christmas they ask for a ponyA horses primary purpose is for riding and transportation.  But let’s face it, it isn’t the 1700’s anymore.  We have cars, bikes, planes, trains, hell we even have hovercrafts.  We don’t need a horse for transportation.  And even if we did, why the hell are camels here?  And they can endure a lot more harsh conditions.  And they are fast too. 
Everyone knows a cows utility to humans is the most essential of any animal in the world.  More beef is eaten in the world than any other meat.  2 billion pounds were produced last year.  There is no other point to make on this.
However, MoleBoy has a made a good point.  Time to let horse take some of the brunt of this.  EAT MORE HORSE!
Cows are also the first creature to integrate races and spell in a diversified Ebonics dialect.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Horses v. Cows

It is apparently a big deal that some people want to eat horses and an even bigger deal that others are willing to sell them horses to eat. I have never understood this. I have to admit it, while I’ve never eaten one, horses look delicious. They certainly look cleaner than cattle. So why, as Americans, is it ok to eat a cow but not a horse?  

Is it because horses are more attractive than cows? That’s probably easy to understand in a glamour-obsessed culture like ours. Would someone living in a mud hut on the side of a hill who had never heard of such publications as People, GQ or Cosmo care what an animal looked like if it supplied enough meat to feed their family for a year? Not likely. While not everyone eats them, I would suggest that any number of animals in the deer family are equally attractive to (if not more than) a horse.

Is it because they are domestic animals like dogs and cats? Maybe, but in America there is nothing more domestic than a cow. Cows are born, bred and raised under watchful human eyes. They are so domestic that there are more wild dogs, cats and even wild horses in this country than cows.

Maybe it’s because horses are smarter than cows. But Americans consume nearly the same amount of pork each year as beef, and pigs are generally considered to not only be smarter than dogs, but the average three-year-old child (and adolescent Arkansans).

So where is the logic? I say if we are truly a free country, we should be able to choose if we want to eat horses or not.  Those who don’t want to eat horses should stick to eating such lowly animals as chickens, pigs and cows. They should go to the auctions and buy as many horses as they want and let them run free in their pastures. Just don’t deny the rest of the country horse meat because of some strange rationale about why horses should be placed on some sort of pedestal.

Happy Valentine’s Day Elizabeth Cook!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State run media

The first step in manipulating the public is to feed them propaganda.  Our administration is using the media to push its agenda.  This isn't a surprise to anyone.  But one needs to remember that the news is supposed to report not present its bias on issues.

Biden proves...

I don't think there is anyway to go back and correct this wrong.  The mainstream news, driven by the, near bankrupt, New York Times, has decided to give the ETV version of the news and present a story and say what they view is right or wrong about it. 

Wise up America.  Do your research before you believe everything you hear!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Guns & Ammo

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

Which brings us to another article that I read a couple of days ago.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

His Hands Seem to Work

Houston’s favorite coke-infused, wife-beating, toupee-wearing creeper is at it again.  Apparently the only thing Dr. Michael Brown hates more than women is sobriety.  The infamous hand surgeon was recently arrested for choking a flight attendant and threatening to strip naked on a flight from London to Miami.

According to the Houston Chronicle:
An hour in to a Jan. 2 flight from London to Miami, Brown grabbed the flight attendant, who is not named in a criminal complaint, by her forearm and began making "rude sexual comments" to her.
After pulling away and informing a supervisor, she tried to serve Brown his in-flight meal but he stood up, spilling the food, and put his hands around her neck and began to squeeze, according to the complaint. As Brown squeezed, court records show, he asked the flight attendant if she was a strong woman.
When another flight attendant intervened, Brown grabbed both of the women around their necks using his forearms.
According to court documents, Brown then said he was going to get naked in front of all of the passengers on the British Airways flight and then began making "rude sexual comments" about what he was going to do to both women.
Then Brown reportedly went to sleep and was arrested upon landing. The question that begs to be asked is, "where were the other passengers or air marshals when all of this was going down?"  Can a man really threaten and choke two women in such a confined space without anyone noticing?  Did this flight exist in the realm of Judgment Night where no law enforcement or civilians are around to witness or intervene?

If you are unfamiliar with this one-man sideshow, here is an overview.


While I’m not too keen on the United States government killing its citizens via unmanned drones, I have less of a problem with it when those people are damn dirty terrorists. I am even less concerned when they are in Yemen.
Though, I must admit I am kind of confused about a president who is against enhanced interrogations such as (horror!) making prisoners stand for long periods, sleep deprivation, playing music at full volume or having to sit uncomfortably in favor of just indiscriminately killing those would-be prisoners.  However, I am not going to protest too much.
I think this policy may have found its most effective use when 16-year-old terrorist Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed…while eating at an outdoor restaurant. Talk about psychological warfare. Hopefully anyone trying to choke down their falafel while that was going down will think twice about becoming a jihadist.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Since when did Ricky Bobby’s son start shopping at Dollar General?

Child who says he was spanked by Dollar General clerk describes 'torture
"I felt like I had five needles sticking in me; it really hurt, I was screaming 'Mama,'" he said. "And I was crying real bad because she [the clerk] had actually hurt me...when she stopped whipping me my pants were actually a little bit warm."

Monday, February 4, 2013

Classic POB

 Dishonorable antics ax AFI guest of honor O'Brien
By Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa
Friday, March 25, 2005 - Updated:
11:13 AM EST
Tawdry allegations of sex harassment, kinky voice mails, very unpolitically correct office banter and a trip to rehab have apparently caused the American Ireland Fund peeps to rethink their plan to honor ``The Insider'' host Pat O'Brien on Nantucket this summer.

     The charity's Web site had advertised a July 30 ``Nantucket Celebration'' with O'Brien as the guest of honor until the Track made an inquiry about it yesterday afternoon. Then lo and behold, it became a plain old ``Nantucket Celebration'' - sans Pat.

     We have a feeling O'Brien's probably being disinvited to a lot of events this week in the wake of his decision to check himself into rehab. His trip up the 12 Steps was followed by reports in the New York tabs that alleged the tabloid TV star boasted about a penchant for wild sex, drugs and hookers and posed for a raaather embarrassing photo.

     One Insider told the New York Daily News O'Brien was reprimanded several times for sexual harassment while working on rival show ``Access Hollywood'' and that O'Brien once licked co-host Nancy O'Dell's face at a Christmas party.

     He also allegedly made derogatory remarks to gay and black co-workers, left sexually explicit voice-mail messages on a galpal's machine begging her for a three-way, and once groped a female reporter's behind, the newspapers say.

     The New York Post reports that the galpal's ex-husband is also in the mix and may have a picture of the hair-plug happy host in a ``compromising'' solo position that he might sell.

     None of which would fit at the American Ireland Fund's veddy swank, veddy snooty seaside soiree!

     ``He's known here as a failed skirt chaser,'' said one Nantucket res. ``He's always at The Pearl in that same black Italian T-shirt, hitting on the girls. Obviously, there was a lack of due diligence.''

Dreamy Afternoon

My back has become progressively sorer throughout the day.  Yesterday I got home from work a little bit late.  I thought it was too late to mow the yard and all of that good stuff, so I would just relax in the yard and listen to the radio to see what 610 had to say about the Astros and Rockets situations. Mowing could wait a day, I thought.  I pulled out a lawn chair that has a wooden frame with a low-hanging canvas seat and back similar to the one pictured below, but with arm rests.

Anyhow, I sat down and started listening to the post-drivetime fellows who are now refreshingly Matt Jackson-free. How nice. I brought no reading materials with me, so I decided to just lean back and close my eyes.  It probably took between 5 to 10 minutes for me to fall asleep. It was really a state just outside of consciousness as there were a lot of aural stimuli around with the radio, birds, dogs barking, etc. So I was still hearing things in the background and aware of my surroundings even though I wasn't really paying attention.  So, when I felt something rubbing against my ankle it took a while for me to arouse myself from the semi-slumber I was in.  But I finally opened my eyes and looked down to see a huge black snake moving across my feet.  Needless to say, I  Freaked!  This thing was over three feet long!  I yanked my feet back toward me, which was more than the chair was prepared for.  As I tried to get further away from the snake, and thus further up the back of the chair, it slowly toppled backward. The point of time at which I realized the chair was not going to rock back forward to the time it actually hit the ground seemed to take about 10 seconds, but I was helpless to do anything about it.  So I braced for the ground.  But, while I thought I was going to land on some nice, soft soil with a layer of thick grass, I connected with one of the chair's wooden frames right in the middle of my back, and so the tumbling commenced.  I was in a great deal of pain and was still rolling when I realized I had no idea where the snake went.  And so began visions of Lonesome Dove. As I jumped to my feet, I saw the snake going beneath the deck, where I assume it is still lying in wait. While I'm sure it would have been a comical sight to behold, I'm glad no one was around to witness such buffoonery.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

RIP Chris Kyle

Navy Seal Sniper Chris Kyle Killed

Hearing the news of Chris Kyle's death should make us take time to appreciate the phenomenal soldiers that fight and protect us in a cruel and dangerous world.  Special Forces and especially Seals are an elite breed of soldiers that sacrifice everything to protect our nation.  The death of one is a sad time and their life should be honored in the same fashion as any hero this world has ever seen.

Double Standard

Major Applewhite getting preferential treatment?

You are going down Opie.

Advocacy Journalism in Disguise

Chris Kyle, a former Navy SEAL and author of the best-selling book American Sniper, and a second person were shot and killed Saturday at a gun range in Glen Rose, TX.
The New York Daily News used the story to push their own agenda, a call to ban assault weapons. Not only does the article contain a link mid-story to sign the Daily News' petition, but the end of the article contained a large printable form that can be mailed directly to the Daily News to support the ban.

Why not insert a petition banning multi-level housing units into this story?  There is no constitutional amendment protecting them.
And why no petition to ban abortions plastered all over this story?  The story itself seems to suggest there is a demographic out there that would get behind it. Why is one issue worth getting behind, but the other is not?
This is an extremely troubling situation. A news outlet should be concerned with one thing, and that is to provide its readers with accurate information. It should not be taking sides on issues. If someone on their editorial staff wants to advocate for the ban of assault weapons and direct readers to a petition not related to the Daily News that would be fine, but this petition has the Daily News' name on it.  That an editor would even consider something like this, much less have a form designed and actually inserted into news stories is beyond irresponsible journalism. This isn’t just an accidental omission or an error in judgment; it is a complete lack of understanding of what a newspaper is supposed to do. How can anyone read a story involving guns from the New York Daily News without wondering if they are getting the full story?  The paper has stated in black and white they support taking certain guns away from Americans.  They have a clearly stated agenda to ban these weapons.  Will readers trust that they can get news that may paint these guns in a positive light?  They shouldn’t expect to.  And because of that the paper has destroyed its journalistic integrity.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Imperfect Poster Boy

Marshall Henderson - Ole Miss Chucker

Cocaine, fat chics, fighting teammates

This weekend in Florida ought to be exciting.  Those fans will tear him up, and Florida should dismantle Ole Miss.

“This is stuff from the Chinese”

Perhaps I have underestimated the power of what that statement means. Maybe the Chinese really do make stuff bigger and better than everyone else. The Chinese invented fireworks and, by God, they are going to own it like nobody’s business.
A truck filled with fireworks exploded on an elevated expressway in central China, unleashing a blast that threw vehicles 100 feet to the ground below and killing at least nine people.
You see, this is what happens when fireworks go off in China:

This is what happens when they go off in America:

The Blunders of a Powerhouse (...powerhouse? that is rich)

Obama Gives F-16′s To Egypt After Morsi Calls Jews ‘Apes And Pigs’ [Commentary]

Two weeks ago, a video made in 2010 surfaced in which the current President of Egypt referred to Jews as ““Descendants Of Apes And Pigs” and Bloodsuckers.” On the same tape, he called President Obama a liar, and made a variety of anti-American comments. Instead of putting Morsi on notice that his behavior is a complete and unforgivable violation of every standard of acceptable behavior, especially from the elected leader of a nation of 85 million people, the Obama Administration rewarded Morsi by going ahead with plans the deliver 213 million dollars worth of high tech weapons to an avowed racist. Today, four of the promised 20 F-16′s left the United States bound for Egypt.
While some apologists for the Obama Administration are trying to claim Morsi made the comments in anger over Operation Cast lead and other legitimate Israeli action to stop the endless fusillade of missiles being fired on Israeli citizens from Gaza, the President of Egypt left no doubt about his hatred of the Jewish people when he met with a concerned delegation of US Senators last week. During the meeting in Cairo, Morsi  made the following stunning comments:
 ”Well, I think we all know that the media in the United States has made a big deal of this and we know the media of the United States is controlled by certain forces and they don’t view me favorably.”
Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) was a member of the delegation that attended the meeting and he described the reaction of the shocked American officials:
 “He did not say [the Jews], but I watched as the other senators physically recoiled, as did I. I thought it was impossible to draw any other conclusion.”
Morsi’s attitude should not come as a surprise to our elected officials. The Muslim Brotherhood has espoused a policy of open hatred of the Jewish people since the group’s founding in 1928. The destruction of Israel and their war cry of ““From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” has been shouted by Brotherhood leaders and echoed in Egypt’s mosques for decades.
Let us not forget that the men responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat, after he signed a peace treaty with Israel, all had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Both al Qaeda and Hamas, two of the world’s leading Islamist terrorist organizations, began as offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In October of 2012, Mohammed Badie, the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood declared a jihad to reconquer Jerusalem, the undivided capital of Israel.
“Jerusalem is Islamic … and nobody is entitled to make concessions” on the Holy City. The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims, The liberation of the Holy City will not be done through negotiations or at the United Nations.”
Certainly Morsi‘s ties to an organization the has spent the better part of eight decades calling for the murder of Jews and six decades calling for the destruction of Israel should cause great concern for Mr. Obama. But adding to the vile words of Morsi and his friends, we also see his treatment of the Egyptian people.
Recently, Morsi rammed a new Sharia compliment Islamist Constitution down the throats of the starving Egyptian people. The Brotherhood placed groups of enforcers at every polling place in Egypt when the nation voted on the Constitution and Egyptian judges banned unveiled women from voting. Coptic Christians were threatened with murder if they voted against the new Constitution.
Even if all these factors are not enough to make any fair minded person seriously question the sanity of giving twenty highly advanced fourth generation F-16′s and 200 Abrams battle tanks to Egypt, the events of last weekend in Egypt should have been the final straw. Egyptians took to the streets across the country to protest the oppressive polices of Morsi; the man they are calling “the new Pharaoh.” Morsi responded by calling out the army to suppress the demonstrations, resulting in the death of more than 50 protesters and hundreds of serious injuries.
Egypt is in chaos, people are dying in the streets at the hands of the military, and yet, the Obama Administration is not even willing to wait and see how things progress before they deliver world class fighter jets to a nation led by a man who called his closest neighbors “apes and pigs.”
Here in America, Obama has simply decided to ignore the demands for a halt to the arms trade. Recently, Senator Inhofe asked the President to put a hold on the delivery of weapons until Morsi proves he is living up to his promises to install a Democratic government for the Egyptian people
“President Morsi has failed to promote promised democracy in his country and neglected to continue Egypt’s legacy of maintaining peace in the region. I am alarmed and disappointed in the Obama Administration’s decision to decline my request to delay delivery of F-16s for further consideration.”
Obama and Hilary Clinton at the State Department are determined to arm the Islamists of Egypt at all costs. They have consistently failed to mention that the weapons were promised to Mubarak, and not Morsi, which gives Mr. Obama a legitimate reason to put a hold on weapons deliveries. Instead, they plunge ahead, arming Morsi while Egypt erupts in chaos.
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, David Adams, spoke on behalf of the State Department:
“Delaying or cancelling deliveries of the F-16 aircraft would undermine our efforts to address our regional security interests through a more capable Egyptian military and send a damaging and lasting signal to Egypt’s civilian and military leadership as we work toward a democratic transition in the key Middle Eastern State.”
“Egypt is a strategic partner with whom we have a long history of close political-military relations that have benefited U.S. interest. For the past 30 years the F-16 aircraft has been a key component of the relationship between the United States military and the Egyptian Armed Forces.”
Americans may be shocked to learn that despite all the talk about Israel being our number one ally in the Middle East, the delivery of 200 Abrams tanks and 20 more F-16′s to Egypt will give the Egyptians more American made advanced fighters than Israel. If Obama truly wants peace in the Middle East, why is he sending more jets and tanks to Egypt, plus 48 billion dollars worth of weapons to ultra Islamist Saudi Arabia; home of 15 of the 19 terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Israel has been attacked by Egypt and other Arab nations five times since 1948. The Jewish State has been struck by more than 12,000 rockets in the last decade, deliberately fired on civilian population centers. Jewish infants have been decapitated in their cradles by Palestinian terrorists and the Israeli Olympic team was slaughtered by the PLO at the Munich Olympics. That attack was funded by Abu Mazin, now known as Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Nation Authority and Israel’s so-called partner for peace.
It is truly mind boggling that we have arrived at this state of affairs. Obama is sending hundreds of millions of dollars of deadly weapons to an avowed racist who is killing his own people. Israel is pressured by the US and Europe to negotiate with Abbas, who showed no shame when he published a doctoral dissertation denying the Holocaust,  financed the murder of Jews at the Olympics, and just last week, accused the Jews having ties to the Nazis prior to World War Two.
“I challenge anyone to deny the relationship between Zionism and Nazism before World War II.”
Have the leaders of the free world simply lost their minds or are they willing to sacrifice the nation of Israel and the Jewish people to keep the oil following? Obama is happy to arm a sworn enemy of Israel and continues to demand that Prime Minister Netanyahu surrender part of Israel to a Holocaust denying former terrorist.
Is Mr. Obama’s ego so fragile that he refuses to admit he was wrong about Morsi? Sending advanced weaponry to Egypt is madness and the day may come when American made jets are used to rain down bombs on Tel Aviv. The world needs to wake up and understand that the Arab world will never accept Israel in their midst. The goal has always been to destroy Israel and finish the genocide that Hitler started. Read the speeches of the leaders of the Muslim world and learn the truth about the undying hatred for the Jewish people and Israel.
We have decided to give the final word on this matter to President Morsi of Egypt:
“One American president after another—and most recently, that Obama—talks about American guarantees for the safety of the Zionists in Palestine… He uttered many lies…”
“Dear brothers, we must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews.”

'El Wingador' indicted on drug charge

A five-time wing-eating champion known as "El Wingador" has been indicted in New Jersey on cocaine distribution charges. "El Wingador" won Philadelphia's Wing Bowl when he consumed 162 chicken wings.

"El Wingador" is charged with four counts of possession of a controlled dangerous substance and one count of manufacturing or distribution of more than a half ounce of cocaine.

"El Wingador" would practice to strengthen his jaw muscles by eating lots of frozen Tootsie Rolls in the weeks before the Wing Bowl. His runner-up, Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas (161 wings), is rumored to strengthen her jaw muscles in other ways.

"El Wingador" will not be stripped of his crown as cocaine is not considered a performance enhancing drug the way, say, marijuana is.