Friday, September 26, 2014

Flesh Burger

Using testimonial information from various cannibal sources, a London chef has developed a hamburger that tastes like human flesh. Meanwhile, McDonald’s has been serving a hamburger that tastes like human spit for years.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Political smells

A new study claims that liberals and conservatives smell differently and people are subconsciously attracted to the smells of people with similar political beliefs. Obviously, this study wasn't necessary as we all know that one group smells like scotch and cigars while the other smells like patchouli and B.O. And you know this is true because I don't have to identify which is which.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

NFL gets it wrong... again

During Sunday’s post-game press conference, Redskins QB RGIII could be wearing his shirt inside out. The shirt read “Know Jesus, Know Peace,” though the message was apparently not the reason for turning the shirt inside out. It was actually because the shirt was not made by Nike.

Apparently nobody realized that even inside out, the shirt was still not made by Nike.