Thursday, March 7, 2013

Woman Killed by Lion

No, this isn’t about the California intern who met a similar fate. This story is much better.

And despite a person dying, this may be the best story of the year. It's probably not as much the story itself as it is the brilliant writing style of the International Business Times. According to their report:
A lion killed a woman while she was having sex in the bush with her boyfriend. The woman, identified as Sharai Mawera, was mauled to death in the attack in Mahombekombe, Kariba in Zimbabwe.

My first reaction to the story was, "What the heck does this have to do with international business?" But then I realized that it would be impossible for anyone with access to this information not to share it.  My second reaction was, "Zimbabweans getting mauled by a lion while getting it on in a bush? Way to propagate stereotypes, IBT!"

But it gets better:  
Her boyfriend, a fisherman who was not identified, heard the lion roar, MyZimbabwe reported. They had been having sex in a sideways position and he managed to escape wearing nothing but a condom. 
He turned back to see Mawera being mauled and rushed to a nearby road for help.

Who says chivalry is dead?  And I really have to thank the IBT for getting all of the important details for us, right down to the sexual position. And let's be honest, isn't the most shocking thing about this entire story the fact that an African was wearing a condom?

And now it's time for the author of the story to provide some history: 
While big cat attacks in Zimbabwe are fairly rare, another took place near the Zambesi River in 2010, when a man was killed by a pride of lions while he was bathing.

Tourist Pete Evershed was using an outside shower when four or five lions attacked.
That does sound like a freak occurrence. However:
A man in the same suburb of Kariba was mauled to death a week ago, police said. They believed he was attacked on his way home from a nightclub.

Now that may be one of the best arguments ever in support of drinking and driving! But let's not get off topic. Back to the story:
Eight villagers were killed over the space of two months and the attacks only stopped when a pride of lions was killed.
Wait a second! Didn't the story just say that big cat attacks were rare in Zimbabwe and then rattle off no less than ten recent deaths from just that cause? International Business Times, you just got bookmarked.

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