Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What tornado?

An EF4 tornado a mile wide at the ground with winds around 200 mph has ripped through Oklahoma causing mass destruction and killled at least 91 people.

But it's good to see that HLN (formerly Headline News) will not be deviating from their wall-to-wall Jodi Arias coverage.

1 comment:

  1. We were eating lunch on Tuesday and there were several TV's throughout the bar/grill we were at. There were two different stations tuned in. The first was CNN and they were covering the devestation, the other tuned to HLN. The sound was loud over the whole area tuned into HLN, and am I glad it was....LIVE courtroom testimony by Ms. Arias herself...slideshow and all.

    We are all pawns in her little game.
