Wednesday, February 6, 2013


While I’m not too keen on the United States government killing its citizens via unmanned drones, I have less of a problem with it when those people are damn dirty terrorists. I am even less concerned when they are in Yemen.
Though, I must admit I am kind of confused about a president who is against enhanced interrogations such as (horror!) making prisoners stand for long periods, sleep deprivation, playing music at full volume or having to sit uncomfortably in favor of just indiscriminately killing those would-be prisoners.  However, I am not going to protest too much.
I think this policy may have found its most effective use when 16-year-old terrorist Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed…while eating at an outdoor restaurant. Talk about psychological warfare. Hopefully anyone trying to choke down their falafel while that was going down will think twice about becoming a jihadist.

1 comment:

  1. I heard a conservative talk show host running Obama down over this and reading it verbatim. But I just imagined if Bush put forth this legislation the liberal talking heads would be saying the same exact thing on a different channel. Sometimes I think they are just criticizing everything the other side proposes whether it makes sense or not.
