Friday, February 15, 2013

Horses vs. Cows, PART 2!!!

Consider the proverbial can of worms open!
The age old debate of horse vs. cow.  I really didn’t think MoleBoy had it in him to start this war, but let it begin. 
In all actuality his point is very valid.  Little does he know that he makes my case that I have impressed upon the modern world for the past several decades.  A horse is a stupid meaningless animal and it being a part of a routine diet would actually make its specie more utilitarian in everyway.  My age old philosophy is that a horse is less intelligent and less vital to humans than cows; and overall horses are generally useless piece of the world.  As useless as a never discovered butterfly that becomes extinct before it is ever discovered (maybe because it is very timid and has little butterfly heart attacks and blows away in a puff of little butterfly ash anytime a human is in proximity).
Let me begin with the argument of intelligence.  At first glance a horse may seem overly superior to a cow because of their trainability and their trickery.  Everyone has seen the gimmicky trick-horse at your local rodeo, carnival or travelling circus; it is very entertaining and impressive.  And no one has ever seen a trick cow, that is just crazy talk.  But that is exactly what they are a side show, mere cheap entertainment for the weak minded.  A cow could master countless tricks and could possibly even be taught to speak, but they are much more astute and reassured in their importance.  They are not susceptible to menial mind games of humans, if fact they actually smarter than most humans.  If you doubt this say something to a cow and see just how much it could care less.  Cows are bored to tears by our idiot demeanor.  The horse on the other hand is like Charlie Brown kicking the football, falling for every stupid little gimmick we come up with. 
Take riding it, for crying out loud.  A horse can fairly simply be broken to be ridden.  This is not an option for cows.  That is why bull riding is a sport.  Get on a cow/bull and it will do everything in its power to get you off.  Even a dog knows getting ridden is not a positive option.
And now that we are talking about riding a horse, let’s get to the horses vitality to humans.  Typically a horse is considered an entertainment animal.  Little girls don’t ask for baby calves for Christmas they ask for a ponyA horses primary purpose is for riding and transportation.  But let’s face it, it isn’t the 1700’s anymore.  We have cars, bikes, planes, trains, hell we even have hovercrafts.  We don’t need a horse for transportation.  And even if we did, why the hell are camels here?  And they can endure a lot more harsh conditions.  And they are fast too. 
Everyone knows a cows utility to humans is the most essential of any animal in the world.  More beef is eaten in the world than any other meat.  2 billion pounds were produced last year.  There is no other point to make on this.
However, MoleBoy has a made a good point.  Time to let horse take some of the brunt of this.  EAT MORE HORSE!
Cows are also the first creature to integrate races and spell in a diversified Ebonics dialect.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Copperpot, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul
