Friday, April 19, 2013

Internet Sleuths

With high quality cameras in the hands of everyone with a smartphone, not to mention professional photographers and numerous surveillance cameras, the internet turned into a hotbed of would-be Sherlocks pouring over hundreds of images of the Boston Marathon in search of the bombing suspects. I have to admit that I got caught up in it driving myself crazy with a high-stakes game of Where’s Waldo? I mean, the terrorists have to be here somewhere, right?

Talk about needle in a haystack.  But several pictures supplied any number of possibilities. As I pressed on, all sorts of people turned into suspects.  These two guys obviously did it.

Actually, it was these guys…

No, wait, it had to be him…

Possibly one of these…

Or… holy cow!  Why does everyone in Boston wear a backpack?
Even though the actual terrorists turned out to be two guys I never saw a picture of prior to the FBI releasing the actual suspects' photos, I am still convinced there has to be something they can arrest this creep for.

At least I can take comfort in not being one of the people who ever thought this poor guy was one of them.

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